We serve to correct the heart naturally


Dr Mithra's

AyuLife  HeartCare  Center

In my 37 years of experience in the field of Ayurvedic practice more focus was given to the treatment for Joint disorders and Heart Ailments. Gradually I found that there is a strong relationship between arthritis, heart blocks and valvular heart diseases. In most of the cases, arthritis worsens due to the lack of proper diagnosis, long period of negligence by the patients or irrelevant intake of pain killers. Following this there are chances for origination of another disease like Heart blocks and Valvular heart diseases. Heart block is one of the complications of Arthritis. Reduced blood flow or so called pathological heart blocks can occur due to other reasons also.

 The main point to be noted is, Valvular heart disease or Valvular stenosis cases can be observed in patients suffering from Arthritis and Rheumatic Fever. We analyze the root causes of the disease and its severity by detailed Investigations. We also explain the condition of the disease to the patient if necessary.  After couple of follow ups, tests are redone to assess the progress of the treatments done so far.

                                                                                                                                                                                                                 - Dr.M.P.Mithra