Dr Mithra's

AyuLife  HeartCare  Center

".....A Heart attack is like an earth quake. It can take years in making, and hit without warning. Yet, unlike an earth quake, a heart attack can be cured.”.... through Ayurvedic treatment

We serve to correct the heart naturally

                This site is a step towards spreading knowledge about treating major disorders through Ayurveda - A science that is widely acknowledged as the oldest system of health. Despite of having amazing diagnostic devices and ​tailor made medicines, our society is suffering from preventable epidemics of heart diseases and joint disorders. Nowadays major disorders are due to the sedentary life style. Diet plays a major role in these as per Ayurveda. The three pillars of Ayurveda are 'Ahara' 'Vihara' and 'Aushadi' - Food, Regimen and Medicine respectively. We should be aware of what, when and how we are consuming food. So we advice patient's to have proper food and do exercise according to their body constitution. We clinically treat HEART BLOCKS with Ayurvedic medicines and Panchakarma therapies. VALVULAR HEART DISEASE is also treated.

                We also treat Joint disorders such as Disc Prolapse, Rheumatic Fever, Rheumatoid Arthritis, Osteoarthritis, Lumbar and Cervical Spondylosis cases effectively. We have the techniques to detect them in the early stage itself.