3rd follow up 7-nov-2013

Patient 1 - Sri. Antony C. S. (78 yrs, Male)

He came to our clinic and was diagnosed as CAD critical LMCA Stenosis [Left Main Coronary Artery Stenosis],Tripple Vessel Disease. In patients words "I had an attack in 2002 and was prescribed with medicines in an Allopathic hospital nearby. Again I had an attack in 2008 and was diagnosed as LMCA. The doctor did not recommend surgery."

As per our recommendation 3D CCG test was done and detected 96% of reduction of blood flow. We started our treatment along with Panchakarma therapy and he was cured within a span of 2 years with the help of regular follow ups. More details can be seen in the diagrams.

After Treatment 04-Dec-2012

Patient 7 - Smt. Suma

​                                This lady came to our clinic with chronic hoarseness and multiple joint pain, generalised oedema and weakness for a period of more than three years. She took treatment at a famous allopathic hospital, Kochi and finally advised surgery. Patient was not willing. She came over here, and after six months of Ayurvedic treatment, she fully recovered from hoarseness. We have noticed some problem related to heart, during the course of treatment and was advised to undergo 3 D Cardio vascular cartography. Test was done on 20.07.2012, revealed Mitral Valve functional stenosis. Orifice measurement was very poor (0.87 sq.cms) with mild blood flow reduction in the Right Coronary Artery. Medicines were prescribed and to assess the progress of treatment follow up scans were done 25.07.2013 and 12.06.2015. Results are as shown below. During the course of treatment she showed some discomfort on September 2015 lead to TMT which was positive. Treatment continued. Final scan was done on 22.05.2017. Mitral Valve showed full regeneration (Orifice developed from 0.87 sq.cms. to 4.28 sq.cms.). Cardiac efficiency improved from 11.17 to 19.36. All the coronary arteries show normal blood flow.

Final results 22-may-2017
Pic. 1 : 10-Oct-2016. Echo and 3D CCG taken before Ayurveda treatment
2nd follow up 15-jul-2013
Before Treatment 17-Sep-2010
Pic. 2 : 03-July-2017. 3D CCG after 10 months of treatment
4th follow up  5-May-2015

Patient 8 - Mr. Sebastian Jose (41 years, Male)

                   He had regular episodes of chest pain, discomfort and fatigue. He had undergone treatments at several reputed hospitals, but the basic problem was not solved. He came to our center. With the help of 3D CCG, we confirmed that his autonomic nervous system was in sympathetic mode, i.e low frequency spectrum and an increase in heart rate. ANS predominance is an excellent indicator of forced cardiac activity. Sympathetic subjects are more prone to cardiac anomalies including cardiac sudden death syndrome. Sympathetic activation has other adverse effects like ventricular hypertrophy, enhanced arrhythmogenesis and molecular and bio chemical changes that lead to further dysfunction of heart over a period of time. In this patient's case, it was undetected in the previous treatments (Pic. 1). He had undergone tenmonths of Ayurveda treatment in our center and a follow up scan was done on (Pic. 2). His sympathetic over drive changed to a safe parasympathetic drive, i.e with a huge frequency spectrum. This success story indicates how far Ayurvedic treatment is effective in different type of heart diseases.

3rd Follow up 5-dec-2013
2nd follow up 26-nov-2012
4th Follow up 22-apr-2015

Dr Mithra's

AyuLife  HeartCare  Center

​​3rd follow up 12-jun-2015
5th follow up  27-dec-2016
2nd Follow up 17-OCT-2012

Patient 2 - Sri. Shylesh (46 years, Male)

                    This male patient aged 46 years came to our clinic with arthritic symptoms and on the event of treatment we found the symptoms of heart block, he was advised to undergo 3D CCG test and detected 52% reduction of blood flow in the coronary artery. After two years of treatment he has recovered completely.

Patient 3 - Sri. Mohanan (38 years, Male)

                    He came to our clinic with allergy, breathing difficulty and associated symptoms since 16 years. He was under allopathy medication assuming it as an allergy. All those treatments had gone in vain. He has got only temporary relief from the symptoms he had. He became physically weak and was unable to do any work. He came to our clinic with an ill look. After a detailed blood test we detected that he is suffering from Rheumatic fever. Considering the past history of more than ten years, to assess the functional status of the heart he was advised to undergo 3D CCG and found that he was suffering from Mitral Valve Stenosis (Valvular Heart Disease – Mitral valve orifice decreased to 0.87 sq.cm. - Normal above 4 sq.cm) along with 56% reduction of blood flow. 3D CCG results after eight months of treatment was remarkable. Mitral valve orifice increased to 2.14 sq.cm and completely recovered from heart blocks. On the same day ECHO Cardiogram was also done.

Interpretation –  Normal LV cavity with good contractility. A/Rv/LV Normal.  All the valves appeared normal. There were no stenosis or regurgitation. Great arteries normal related. IAS/IV intact. IVC Normal. No pericardial effusion seen. No clot/ No vegetation seen. Final Impression: Adequate left ventricular systolic function 60%. No significant regional wall motion abnormality seen. No left ventricular diastolic dysfunction seen. No significant pulmonary artery hypertension seen. USG Abdomen and Pelvis: Normal study

1st checkup 28-MAR-2012

Patient 4 - Sri. Sasidharan Nair (64 years, Male)
                    He came to our clinic with arthritic symptoms and on the event of treatment we found the symptoms of heart block, he was advised to undergo 3D CCG test and detected 52% reduction of blood flow in the coronary artery. After two years of treatment he has recovered completely.

​1st Follow up 20-Jul-2012

Since fifteen years we have concentrated in the treatment of various heart diseases and many patients are still healthy without surgery or angioplasty. We detect various functional aspects of heart with the help of 3D Cardiovascular cartography, a non invasive test.

Patient 5 - Smt. Leelamma Jose

                    A female patient came to our clinic with severely affected arthritis. The onset was sudden. Allopathic treatment done was not sufficient to get a relief. She came to our clinic. We had initiated a total rheumatic profile check up and diagnosed the current position and started treatment including Panchakarma Therapy. She has been getting better. During the course of treatment, a sign of orthopnea (breathing difficulty while lying flat) developed. Soon after she had 3D CCG test and confirmed percentage of reduction of blood flow nearing 71% along with poor collaterals. Air retention increased in pulmonary dynamics (56). Aortic valve orifice was shrinking. Total arterial compliance was reduced. Ventricular compliance was impaired. Total myocardial burden was severe. Increased body weight was +21. Body fat mass estimate was +17. The condition was critical.  After three years of stringent treatment everything is normal.

1st Follow up 21-nov-2011

Patient 6 -  Sri. Harikumar

​                    A patient from Kudamaloor near Kottayam came to our clinic with a history of mild regular chest pain. He is working in an oil company abroad as an accountant. He will be abroad for 40 days and will be on travel for 5 days. Then the next 40 days he will be at home (Kudamaloor). He underwent 3D Cardio Vascular Cartography on 21-11-2011 and started our medicines 2 days later. The challenge that he faced was, he was able to take medicines regularly (including following proper diet) only while he was at home. Somehow, he followed the same for 5 years with patience. The last 3D CCG scan done on 27-12-2016 showed that the block was cleared.Patient agrees that the treatment took more time as he was not able to take medicines regularly and to follow the stipulated diet while he was at work.


We serve to correct the heart naturally